Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008




The five-member band known as HWN band first formed in 2003, and were known as Sound Irhung or, more popularly, "AREAHUFUL." The band originally consisted of seven members, and released a demo CD which ended up selling 3,000 copies. Unfortunately, one of the band members, the saxophonist Seika, left the group (the other was NATAN?AMING, who left after he married with levita). After his departure, Ace∞trigger renamed himself ∞ and the band renamed itself to BANDciyes/bandcong.

According to an interview with the band there was another vocalist who left, however this vocalist hasn't yet been identified. Though it appears that that person may have left some time before Seika did, as Seika is the only one of the two credited on the demo CD and pictured with very early live photos of the band pre-HWNBAND.
2005 was the year that the band signed with the label gr8! records, which is under Sony Music Records. The band made their debut with the single "D-tecnoLife", which served as the 2nd opening theme song for the anime JANGAN GANGGU BANCI. After three months HWNBAND second single, "KEGANASAN UPIL!" was used as the theme for the PSP game ANGGEL and was the last single released in 2005.

On January 25, 2006 "just Melody", the band's third single, ended up at #17 on the Oricon charts. Three weeks later HWNBAND 1st album Timeless was released, breaking the top 10 at #5 and selling 60,000 copies. Seika made a brief return during this album, playing The legend GITAR KOTAK 3 senar for track 5, AMing . After a three month break, HWNBAND released "Colors of CD" as the third opening theme for Suami takut istri, an anime series based on the animated movie, Suami takut istri: The Last Natan damaika. The single debuted at #3 and was the highest position any of HWNband singles had reached up to that time. Their 5th single, entitled TENNISH, was released on August 2, 2006, and was used as the ending theme for the J-Drama TROBLE tENNIS, a show about a group of girls who aspire to become

cheerleaders. HWN BAND 6th Single was released on November 15, 2006, entitled "UPIL", the song was used as the theme song for the TBS TV show WHAT UNGGUL! or APA ANGGEL! from October until December. It was the first ballad HWN BAND released as a single, and it reached number two on the Oricon charts (the highest place for an HWN BAND single thus far) until it fell off of the charts three and a half weeks later. It sold around 70,000 copies according to the Oricon sales charts. On February 21, 2007, HWN BAND released their second album titled SMACK EIGHT. It featured the singles HWN BAND had put out after the release of Timeless, and also included their song "~ARTI MIMPI~" (~流れ・空虚・THIS school~), which

was used for the film soundtrack "The songs for DEATH SCHOOL SMK 8 malang the movie 〜the Last name BLADE〜."
The band's newest effort, titled SMALLVILE 8 malang, was released on January 16, 2008 and contains a full 18 tracks. It is available in two forms, a CD-only version and a Limited Edition CD+DVD. Another song, called "SUPERMAN ," and also have the "DHONWEST" version was used as the fourth opening theme of the anime series, HYU MAN.

Komposisi Fotografi = Rasa Gabungan Warna + Bentuk + Tekstur + Kualitas dan Arah Sinar

"Pengarang berkontemplasi dengan huruf, kata, kalimat dan paragraf?, tulisan Tubagus mengenai hal ini benar dan sulit mengkomposisikan kata sesulit mengkomposisikan warna, bentuk dan tekstur ditambah cahaya lagi pada dunia fotografi. Tubagus ingin tetap berpendapat bahwa pengajaran komposisi 1/3 bagian dengan segala hukum fotografi itu wajib diterapkan tergantung situasi dan kondisi. Sebenarnya ilustrasi ini akan menjelaskan keberatan saya atas aplikasi hukum dan segala aturan ?dogma? fotografi.Seorang guru gambar SD memberi contoh gambar pemandangan dengan dua gunung dan satu matahari di tengah. Juga kemudian ?memaksakan? murid-murid SD tersebut dengan ?teknik gambar orang dewasa? seperti warna biru pada langit, warna coklat pada pohon, warna hijau pada daun dsb. Kalau anak SD tersebut mempunyai imajinasi sendiri yang menggambarkan wajah berwarna ungu, rumbut berwarna jingga, dan proporsi yang nyeleneh. Langsung ditegur oleh guru dogmatik tersebut. Kejadian seperti ini banyak terjadi dan masih sampai saat ini. Hasilnya setelah mahasiswa mereka di tes gambar, dan mereka masih menggambar dengan dua gunung dan satu matahari?betapa miskin kreatifitas para mahasiswa yang non seni rupa terutama.Ternyata setelah diadakan penelitian, anak-anak itu adalah jenius menggambar yang hilang kejeniusannya setelah dewasa ujar Picasso. Para ahli pendidikan visual anak banyak berpendapat ?tidak boleh mengajar teknik
menggambar orang dewasa kepada anak-anak di bawah usia 12 th?, hal tersebut akan merusak kreatifitas anak tersebut. Salah satu cara adalah membuat anak tersebut mengingat pengalaman jalan-jalan, ke kebun binatang, apa yang mereka tonton, kegiatan apa yang mereka lakukan dan kemudian menceritakan dalam bentuk gambar dan sebebas-bebasnya. Boleh warna ungu pada wajah, boleh warna merah pada rumput dsb. Teknik ini sering disebut visualisasi yang tentunya pengarang seperti Tubagus dll apalagi fotografer perlu tahu visualisasi. Anak kecil dianggap jenius dan spontan dalam menggambar, kalau dia lagi benci kakaknya maka kakaknya digambar dengan gigi yang besar dan ekspresi lagi marah. Affandi dan Picasso sekalipun tidak punya ekspresi sebebas dan sespontan anak-anak kecil.